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John 14:1

John 12:32

Psalm 33:20-22

Sing to the Lord!

Fall Festival 2015

Fall Festival 2015

Everyone is invited to attend! Lots of fun!

May We Never Forget

Rainbow over JBC

He WILL Return!

Behold the Lamb

Behold the Lamb

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

"Call to Cooleemee" Revival

The "Call to Cooleemee" Revival will be Aug. 10-12 at 6 PM at the FBC-Cooleemee. Kyle Williams will be speaking on the 10th, Rodney Barker on the 11th and Allen Mullins on the 12th. Special music each night! Ya'll come!


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